K44 1K Dashboard Beige is a matte light brown color, specially designed to restore original dashboards color. With 2-IN-1 Formula technology, no plastic primer and clear are needed.

How To Use :
1. Wash the media (which will be repainted) using cream soap, then rinse and let it dry.
2. Wipe the media with cloth + gasoline thoroughly
3. Layer 0: spray by condensing it, and wait for it to dry until the paint is strong enough to be pressed by a finger
4. Layer 1-3: spray thinly and evenly as much as 2-3 layers so the media is completely covered
5. If the paint is strong enough to be pressed by a finger, the media is ready to be installed.

*Note :
– Perfectly Drying times is -/+ 2 nights or 2×24 hours, so the scratch resistant formula will be activated and the media is safe enough to be stepped-on and scratch by nails

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