SM02 Smoke Orange is a transparent paint with orange shades from Sapporo Ultimate which is suitable for blinker (turn signals), headlamps and stop lamps.
How to Use:
- Wash the media which will be repainted using cream soap, then rinse and let it dry.
- Wipe the media with cloth + gasoline thoroughly
- If any scratches, use sandpaper grid no. 2000 + water + cream soap.
- Layer 0: spray the smoke color by condensing it, and wait for it to dry until the paint is strong enough to be pressed by a finger.
- Layer 1: spray thinly and evenly
- Wait until the paint is strong enough to be pressed by a finger and the media is ready to be installed
- Then, proceed to base coat or top coat.
The thicker the layer of paint tha is sprayed, the darker the resulting color. The colors results can be adjusted to taste